

Associate Vice President of Auburn University, America Visited Our University

The release date:2015-01-21view:1031Set

On September 22, 2014, Associate Vice President Ms. Martha Taylor, and Steve Taylor, Director of Bioenergy Center and Bioengineering Department, of Auburn University, America visited our university. Vice President Wu Jiannong met these guests in the meeting room on the 12/F of Graphics and Text Information Building, while Zhong Junsheng,Director of Foreign Affairs Office, and Wang Yifen, Vice Dean of the College of Food Science attended the meeting.

Wu Jiannong extended a warm welcome to Ms. Taylor, spoke highly of the achievements our university and Auburn University had made in the training of master degree candidates and doctoral degree candidates, and expressed the hope to further expand the cooperation between the two universities. Director Steve Taylor thanked our university for delivering outstanding students to Auburn University. He said the two universities could carry out exchanges and cooperation on common research topics of undergraduate students by exchanging students between the universities. During the meeting, the two parties had an in-depth discussion on the common research topics of undergraduate students.

After the meeting, Ms. Martha Taylor and her colleagues visited the College of Food Science and discussed the details about the program cooperation.

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