

Students from College of Food Science Completed Exchange Program in the University of Georgia, America

The release date:2015-01-21view:182Set

In order to train outstanding talented students with international vision and strengthen international communication ability, 7 undergraduate students and 5 postgraduate students from the College of Food Science of our university, led by Professor Wu Wenhui, completed a short but unforgettable exchange learning program in the University of Georgia, America from July 9 to August 5.

Founded in 1785, the University of Georgia (UGA for short) is the research-oriented university with the longest history in America and the institution of higher learning with largest university system scale in Georgia State. It is located in the college town in Athens, Georgia. During the study tour, the International Education and Exchange Center of UGA provided the above-mentioned students with an Intensive English Program.Coordinated by Doctor Hong Yankang, a specially-appointed professor of our university, these students visited the College of Agriculture and Science, College of Public Health and College of Pharmacy of UGA.

The first activity during the three-week study tour in UGA was the studying of English courses. Humorous and witty teachers and comfortable and free classroom atmosphere deeply impressed all the students, who felt they benefited a lot from the study tour. When the study was over, every student received a course-completion certificate issued by UGA. The second activity during the study tour was the visiting of the laboratory. Professors from UGA prepared several professional lectures on food science and pharmacy for these students, who learned a lot from such professors' explanation of profound theories in simple language. The third activity during the study tour was the experience of American culture. After classes and laboratory exchanges, these students experienced the recreational facilities and art gallery of the university with interest and visited the Coca Cola museum and CNN, among other scenic spots.

Students Receiving Course-Completion Certificates

The three-week study tour in UGA was short, but these students' English ability and learning interest were obviously enhanced. They personally experienced American classroom education style and directly felt the laboratory atmosphere. Through observation, exchange, experience and perception, all these students have a more profound understanding and awareness of academic visits, international exchange and internationalization.

In one student’s own words: Although not all of us shared the same objectives, we all got what we wanted from this program… This is the best interpretation of the three-week study tour program. At the same time, the enthusiastic, healthy and positive mindset and behavior of these students also left a good impression on workers and teachers of UGA.

As the second study tour program to UGA, this activity also accumulated useful experiences, which laid a firm foundation for the deep cooperation between the two universities.

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