

Short-Term Study for Faculty and Students from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Completed Successfully

The release date:2015-09-24view:802Set

From September 14 to 24, a 15-person delegation, consisting of faculty and students from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology(TUMSAT), paid a 10-day study visit to our university. The visit focused on academic lectures, practices with aquaculture bases and aquatic product markets, exchanges among students, etc. 

Professor Huang Shuolin, Professor Zhang Xiaoli, and Associate Professor Liu Liping from our university respectively gave academic lectures on China’s ocean polices and laws, blue ocean economy, and aquaculture. While having the lecture, they had extensive discussions and idea exchange with the students. Faculty and students from TUMSAT visited our school history museum, aquaculture laboratory, showrooms for ocean fishery and aquatic lives, etc. They got familiarized with our school history and current development, and experienced a cultural and academic atmosphere different from theirs. Students from the two universities have entered into deep exchange and discussions concerning course study, implementation of experiments, thesis writing and various other aspects on learning, work and life. They are learning from each other and further promoting mutual friendship. 

During the visit, faculty and students from TUMSAT also paid visits to our Chongming Brachyuran Breeding Base, Shanghai Oriental International Fisheries Market and Tongchuan Road Aquatic Products Market, strengthening their understanding to China’s aquaculture and aquatic product trade. 

On the wrap-up meeting, Prof. Akio Okayasu, president of TUMSAT Graduate School, expressed his heartfelt thanks for our efforts in organizing this study visit. The students also said they had learned a lot, opened up their horizons and deepened their understanding to Chinese culture and aquaculture. Prof. Huang Shuolin, president of Ocean Research Institute of our university pointed out this visit was an extension to Japan-China-Korea international exchange program (JCK Program) and has laid a sound foundation for mutual cooperation in the future and both schools would, based on our traditional friendship, further enhance cooperation on scientific research and student exchanges.

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