

Symposium Celebrating the 70th Anniversary for the Victory of Chinese People’s War against Japanese Aggression Held in Shanghai Ocean University

The release date:2015-09-10view:1210Set

To celebrate the victory of Chinese people’s war against Japanese aggression and the 65th anniversary for the victory of world anti-fascist war, a symposium commemorating the 70th anniversary for the victory of Chinese people’s war against Japanese invasion was held by Shanghai Ocean University in the morning of September 10. During the commemoration meeting, the veterans participating in that war were invited to the ceremony, recalling the history, looking into the future and sharing reflections on the speeches given by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of CPC Central Committee. The symposium was presided over by Wu Jiamin, secretary of CPC Shanghai Ocean University Committee.

On the meeting, Hu Youting and Yu Lanxin, two retired veterans, talked about their personal experiences in the war against Japanese invasion. Comrade Hu Youting, former party secretary of our school, joined in the revolution in 1939 and acted as county Party secretary at the age of 17. Though in his nineties, he is still hale and hearty with sound thinking ability. When recalling his then glorious revolutionary career in fighting against Japanese invasion, he was so effusive that he told about his revolutionary experience and urged the young students to cherish the hard-won happy life and study hard with a grateful heart.

89-year-old Yu Lanxin joined in revolutionary work in 1943, participated in various battles and personally experienced the founding ceremony of New China. She worked with students’ affairs office of our school before retirement. She recalled her past glorious ages, and hoped the young students to struggle for a mightier China and stronger military force. She also expressed her wishes for more achievements made by Shanghai Ocean University.

During the war against Japanese invasion, the Japanese imperialists regarded schools as the major obstacles for their invasion. Therefore, in Battle of Songhu in 1932, all equipment of the school was shipped to Japan, inflicting great loss to China’s fisheries education, and the school almost came to a standstill. However, the older generations on aquaculture persisted on aquaculture undertaking and made aquaculture education in China survive all kinds of hardships. On the meeting, Le Meilong, former president of our school, told us about the school history during the war. He said: “The cherishable history is the precious wealth of our school, we should deeply explore our school history and promote it among our young teachers and students so as to carry on the spirit against Japanese invasion.”

Secretary Wu Jiamin concluded in his speech that we should always keep in mind the spirit against Japanese invasion, take history as a mirror, launch education on the spirit of Chinese people’s war against Japanese invasion amongst the faculty and students, take the spirit as the spiritual impetus for school development, exert all our efforts on development, insist on improving our school-running capability, and carefully work out and implement the planning for the 13th five-year program. Moreover, we should further our reform on education and teaching, comprehensively improve teaching and talent development quality and struggle for realizing our target of establishing high-level characteristic university and the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation.

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