

International Fisheries Compliance Think Tank Team Development Seminar of Shanghai Ocean University Held

The release date:2015-07-28view:185Set

In the morning on July 28, International Fisheries Compliance Think Tank Team Development Seminar of Shanghai Ocean University was held in campus meeting room on Jungong Road.

Professor Dai Xiaojie from College of Marine Sciences, Distinguished Professor Chen Yong from Shanghai Ocean University and deputy Secretary-General Zhao Gang from China Marine Fisheries Association gave lectures, respectively named “Summary and Development Ideas for Compliance with Chinese Ministry of Agriculture’s International Fisheries Performance by Shanghai Ocean University”, “Suggestions on Enhancing International Fisheries Compliance Capability”, and “Study on the Role of Association in Performance Compliance“.

The participants entered into deep discussions on think tank team development, talent training, interdisciplinary research and difficulties to be confronted with and gave advice on think tank team development.

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