

President of Georgia Southwestern State University Visited Shanghai Ocean University

The release date:2015-06-09view:638Set

On June 9, 2015, Dr. Patterson, president of Georgia Southwestern State University, and others paid a visit to Shanghai Ocean University and had friendly talks with President Cheng Yudong.

President Cheng Yudong of Shanghai Ocean University briefly introduced our university, recalled the history of cooperation between the two universities, and had extensive discussions with the guests on topics concerning inter-university international exchange and basis for cooperation. He expressed that the exchanges and cooperation between the two universities could enable the students to play a role on the world stage and promote cultural exchanges between the two countries. President Patterson first thanked for our warm reception, agreed with the views by President Cheng Yudong and hoped to further strengthen cooperation between the two universities.

Subsequently, both parties discussed in details on how to further strengthen cooperation, how to confront with the possible difficulties during cooperation, and primarily identified the solutions in this regard. Both parties agreed on launching a new round of cooperation and exchange with relevant disciplines of College of Information as the breakthrough points, and they also hoped to cooperate in terms of exchange of teachers, scientific research and so on.

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