

Dr. So Kawaguchi of Australian Antarctic Division Visited SHOU

The release date:2016-04-22view:273Set

Upon invitation of the College of Marine Science and Lab for Oceanic Ecosystem in the Polar Region, a key lab for sustainable development of oceanic fisheries of the Ministry of Education, Dr. So Kawaguchi, chief scientist of Australian Antarctic Division, visited SHOU from April 9 to 17, 2016, and held a cutting-edge seminar titled “Impact of Climate Change and Ocean Acidification on Ecosystem of Euphausia Superba.”

Dr. SoKawaguchi gave a report for faculty and student of College of Marine Science

Dr. So Kawaguchi, as the person-in-charge of Australian euphausia superba project and convener of WG-EMM of CCAMLR, enjoys an extremely high reputation in the aspect of the oceanic biology in the Antarctic Pole, experimental biology of euphausia superb in particular, and has close international connections. He gave a thorough and systematic presentation on euphausia superba in terms of biology and ecology of euphausia superba, experimental biology, impact of the climate change on euphausia superba, euphausiid fishing and its operation, CCAMLR management and WG-EMM work, research of Austalian euphausiid and international cooperation on research of euphausia superba.

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