

Graduation & Degree Award Ceremony Held Solemnly for Undergraduate Class of 2016

The release date:2016-06-16view:166Set

In the morning of June 14, 2016undergraduate graduation and degree-awarding ceremony was solemnly held in theschool gymnasium, attended by Wu Jiamin, Cheng Yudong, Wang Xiping, He Ya, LiYanchen, Wu Jiannong, Xu Yaoling, and deans of all colleges, members ofacademic degree committee, competent persons from functional departments,faculty representatives and more than 2800 graduates. The ceremony was hostedby Vice President Wu Jiannong.

School Leaders andGraduates Singing School Song together

School Song by School Leaders and Graduates

Secretary Wu Jiamin Issuing Certificates to Outstanding Graduates

President Cheng Yudong Making Speech

Vice President Wu Jiannong Hosting the Ceremony

At 10:00am, the undergraduate classof 2016 graduation and degree-awarding ceremony was unveiled with the nationalanthem. A “Set Sail for Colorful Youth” video clip guided the graduates toreview their 4-year campus life, pour out their love to the school, anddemonstrate their unyielding spirit and persistent pursuit as a part of Shanghai Ocean University.

On the degree-awardingceremony, graduates stood up in the order of colleges. And under the guide of theirdean, those qualified for graduation and degree requirements were approved forgraduation and awarded with master degrees by President Chen Yudong. Thegraduates stood up and shouted their college slogans and pulled the purls oftheir caps from right to left. The ceremony reached its climax amongst waves ofapplauses and cheers.

Faculty Representative Liu Yuqing Making Speech

Alumni Representative Gu Hao Making Speech

Student Representative Cui Renjie Making Speech

Warm Moments

With the joyful school songs sung by all faculties and students andamongst the lasting applauses, the 2016 undergraduate graduation anddegree-awarding ceremony came to an end. 

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