

Party Secretary Han Zheng Visited and Investigated SHOU Hadal Center

The release date:2016-06-16view:148Set

Inthe afternoon of June 15, Secretary Han Zheng of CPC Shanghai Committee, paid avisit to, and investigated Shanghai Ocean University, accompanied by ShenXiaoming, Standing Committee member of CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee andsecretary of CPC Pudong New Area Committee, Yin Hong, Standing Committee memberof CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee and secretary general of CPC ShanghaiMunicipal Committee, Zhou Bo, vice mayor of Shanghai, along with other leadersfrom relevant bureaus, Pudong New Area and Harbor Administration. Wu Jiamin,secretary of CPC Shanghai Ocean University Committee, President Cheng Yudong andVice President Li Yanchen also accompanied the delegation for the visit.


Municipal Leaders Visit Hadal Center Assembly Workshop

Under the title of Current Progressand Expectations for Local Government Support for Rainbow Fish Hadal ChallengeProject, Prof. Cui Weicheng, Director of Shanghai Ocean University HadalScience and Technology Research Center, introduced in detail to Han Zheng andhis delegation about the current progress of the project. Han Zheng and thedelegation listened to Prof. Cui’s introduction and had communication with eachother and paid a visit to the unmanned submersible and other test facilities inthe submersible assembly workshop.

Since its foundation inApril 2013, SHOU Hadal Center has made significant achievements in research anddevelopment of deep-sea facilities. In October 2015, China’s first 10,000-meterunmanned submersible and lander succeeded in 4000m-level sea test, and is currentlyunder technical improvement and pool commissioning and has planned for sea testin the 11000m-deep Mariana Trench in December 2016.

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