

Ai De Xie Hou Held Premiere Ceremony in Beijing

The release date:2016-09-08view:164Set

Ai De Xie Hou (a love story started with crab), a light romanticcomedy recomposed based on the true story of SHOU’s technical assistance toTaiwan, premiered in the CPPCC Hall in Beijing on September 6. Zhang Zhijun(Minister of the Taiwan Affairs Office of PRC State Council), Chen Yunlin(Consultant of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits), ShaHailin (member of Shanghai’s Communist Party standing committee and head of theUnited Front Work Department), Long Mingbiao (Vice Minister of the TaiwanAffairs Office of PRC State Council), Sun Yafu (Vice Chairman of the Associationfor Relations Across the Taiwan Straits), Ye Kedong (idem), Jiang Yaoping(idem), Zheng Jianbang (Vice Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of theChinese Kuomintang Central Committee), Huang Zhixian (Executive Vice Chairmanof Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League Central Committee), Yang Yizhou(Vice President of All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots), Li Wenhui(Director of Taiwan Affairs Office, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government),Shen Wei (Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Shanghai Municipal Educationand Health Commission), and Wu Jiamin (Secretary of Party Committee of ShanghaiOcean University) attended the premiere and watched the film.

Scene of the premiere

  Titles of the film

Li Wenhui, Director ofTaiwan Affairs Office, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, assimilated Ai De Xie Hou to a beautiful wavearising from the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and thegalloping tide of cross-strait exchange since 2008. He hoped the release ofthis film would strengthen the understanding and mutual trust betweencompatriots across the Taiwan Straits and create more “ties”.

Ma Xiaoguang, Director ofthe Information Department of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council,commented that Ai De Xie Hou, as afeature film themed on the practical cross-strait exchange activities, was agood attempt to reflect the exchange, cooperation, soul communication and lovebetween youths across the strait. He hoped that more people would pay attentionto the splendid stories and lives of young people on both sides of the strait.

  Li Wenhui, Director ofTaiwan Affairs Office, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, making a speech atthe premiere  

Ma Xiaoguang, Director ofthe Information Department of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council,making a speech at the premiere

  Shen Wei, Deputy Secretaryof Party Committee of Shanghai Municipal Education and Health Commission, andWu Jiamin, Secretary of Party Committee of Shanghai Ocean University

Group photo of Wu Jiaminand the production team

  Members of production teamtalking about the creation process

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