

SHOU Students Making Brilliant Achievements in the 16th National University Student Track and Field Championship

The release date:2016-09-09view:124Set

The 16thNational University Student Track and Field Championship, sponsored byFederation of University Sports of China and Chinese Athletics Association, andundertaken by Minnan University of Science and Technology, was held in MinnanUniversity of Science and Technology from July 16 to 20, 2016. 192universities, including 35 “985 Program” universities and 42 “211 Program”universities, and over 2700 athletes and coaches participated in thechampionship, making a record of most participants in its history. Meanwhile,this is the first time the championship being sponsored by a privateuniversity.  


To successfully take partin the championship, the track and field team of Shanghai Ocean University hasmade unremitting efforts and meticulous preparations for a long time. With thejoint efforts of all coaches and athletes, Yang Jianxing, an outstandingathlete of our track and field team, won the seventh in men’s A2 110-Meter Hurdles with the excellent result of 14.7 seconds and wasselected as a member of Shanghai University Student Team and will prepare forthe National University Student Track and Field Competition to be held in thenext year.

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