

Opening Ceremony of the Fall Semester and the 2016 Military Training for Freshmen Held

The release date:2016-09-05view:141Set

The golden autumn witnessesboth a good harvest and the flying dreams of the youth. On the morning of September 5, the Opening Ceremony of the Fall Semester and the 2016 MilitaryTraining for Freshmen was held in the stadium of SHOU. Leaders of our university, Wu Jiamin, Cheng Yudong,Wang Xiping, He Ya, Li Yanchen, Wu Jiannong, Li Jiale and Xu Yaoling, and ShenJian, commander of the Military Training Regiment and deputy politicalcommissar of a portion of the navy, attended the ceremony. Heads of allcolleges and functional departments, military training instructors, teacherrepresentatives, all undergraduate freshmen and new graduate students in 2016,about 4,000 people in total, attended the operating ceremony. The ceremony waspresided over by Wang Xiping, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and VicePresident of the university.  

Scene of the openingceremony  

 Flag-raising ceremony

  Wu Jiamin presenting theregiment flag to the commander of the Military Training Regiment  

President Cheng Yudongmaking a speech on the opening ceremony


 Commander Shen Jian of theMilitary Training Regiment making a speech  

President Cheng Yudong made a speech on the opening ceremony. Firstly, he extended a warm welcome to all freshmen in 2016 and high respect to all leaders, officers and soldiers from the navy for the military training on behalf of all faculties and students of the university. In his speech, Cheng briefly reviewed the century-long history of the university, introduced the current state and development goals of the university, and urged all students to complete the role change from a high school student to a university student as soon as possible, cherish the time in the campus, make full use of the academic resources and learning system offered by the university and expand their abilities. He hoped everyone would broaden his vision through extensive reading, actively participate in all kinds of academic and fellowship activities, and attach importance to the physical exercise. Meanwhile, he called on all freshmen to be serious about the military training, the first lesson in the university, and to make it a precious treasure in life. Cheng hoped all graduate students would broaden the academic vision, master mature research methods, develop outstanding academic quality, stick to academic integrity, follow the academic frontier, and study hard to obtain new achievements.  

Military training parade


Professor Xie Jing from the College of Food making a speech on behalf of all faculties

Ph.D. candidate Zhang Zhe from the College of Fisheries and Life Science making a speech

Freshmen making a vow before the regiment flag  

Professor Xie Jing from the College of Food, Ph.D. candidate Zhang Zhe from the College of Fisheries and Life Science, and Liu Siyuan from the College of Information Science made speeches on behalf of faculties, current students and newly-admitted students respectively.

Vice President Li Yanchen of the university read out the appointment letters for the cadres of the Military Training Regiment. Shen Jian, commander of the Military Training Regiment, urged all freshmen to meet the high standards and strict requirements of the military training, temper themselves, enhance mutual understanding and deepen the friendship with each other, and strengthen the teamwork spirit.

Afterwards, Wu Jiamin, Secretary of Party Committee of Shanghai Ocean University, presented the regiment flag to the commander of the Military Training Regiment. All participating students made solemn vow by the flag.

The anthem of Shanghai Ocean University brought a successful close to the Opening Ceremony of the Fall Semester and the 2016 Military Training for Freshmen. Then, all freshmen in 2016 would start their half-month military training and embrace the college life full of spirit and energy.


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