

2019 Shanghai Faculty Dragon Boat Racing Competition Held at SHOU

The release date:2019-06-18view:222Set

On June 16, 2019 Shanghai Faculty Dragon Boat Racing Competition was held at SHOU. More than 400 players and 23 teams from 21 units (including colleges and universities, private vocational institutes, district education bureaus, vocational schools, and so forth) competed on the Luchaoyin River.

The competition adopted 200m mixed-double straightaway race with small dragon boats, each of which has ten oarsmen (six male and four female, excluding drummers and paddlers). There were four racing tracks, and the racing system consisted of preliminary, qualifying, and final.

In the game, all faculty members fought bravely in the deafening sounds of drums and waves. Sometimes they started late, but they still managed to come up from behind with an explosiveness that eventually locked the first place for them. This exactly testified to the dragon boat spirits of transcendence and persistence. They perfectly interpreted the spirits of sports with their persevering struggles, and the drums, slogans and uniform motions enhanced the vitality and cohesion of the teams.

After two rounds of intense race, Songjiang District Education Bureau, Shanghai Maritime University, and Oriental Land won the first, second, and third places of 2019 Shanghai Faculty Dragon Boat Racing Competition, respectively.

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