

The First Session of “China-Ghana Tilapia Aquaculture Techniques” International Training Class Held in Ghana

The release date:2019-11-21view:112Set

On November 19-20, 2019, with the support of “Tilapia Back to Hometown” program, the first session of “China-Ghana Tilapia Aquaculture Techniques” international training class was held at the library of the Nyankpala Campus of Ghana University for Development Studies by the delegation of SHOU. The members of the delegation were from the College of Fisheries and Life Science of SHOU, including professor Zhao Jinliang, professor Leng Xiangjun, Doctor Qiu Junqiang, Doctor Tang Shoujie, and Doctor Zhao Yan.

The training class attracted 72 trainees, including teachers and students of Ghana University for Development Studies and the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana; officials of the northern department of fisheries and aquatic products of Ghana; and local aquaculture farmers. Our teachers engaged in extensive exchanges with trainees and answered their questions mainly from five aspects related to Tilapia, that is, aquaculture situation, genetic breeding, aquaculture techniques, nutrition & feed, and disease control. The technical training offered effective guidance and assistance for upgrading Tilapia aquaculture techniques in Ghana, and achieved desired effects. At the end of training, Teye Gabriel Ayum, President of Ghana University for Development Studies, extended a warm welcome to the delegation, highly praised the efforts of the delegation, and expressed the wish that the two universities would engage in more exchanges and cooperation in more fields and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the Tilapia aquaculture industry in Ghana.

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